WANTED: Melissa Sweet `Daria` Or Judd Waddell `3006`
I am looking for a Melissa Sweet wedding dress "Daria" or the Judd Waddell dress "3006". I need a size 6 but will take a larger size and have it altered. Thank you!
Posted by Jamie Martin; updated 01/06/08
There is a Daria dress for sale by Marissa....see her message dated 1-2-08.
Posted by Patti; updated 01/08/08
I am selling a Judd waddel dress size 8. In a regular dresses is a size 4 or 6.
It is the second dress on his website.
Let me know if you are interested.
Posted by Ana; updated 01/23/08
I have this dress, let me know if you are still interested!
Posted by Marissa; updated 02/05/08
Hi there,
I`m also interested in the Judd Waddell dress. Please email more information and pictures at sharonatirah@hotmail.com. Thanks!
Posted by Sharon; updated 02/20/08