Amazing DJ Website Found!

I was talking to DJ Skribble the other night when he appeared at the grand opening of Home Nightclub here in St. Louis (I`m a VIP host, and wanna be club-jock but just doing mobile stuff right now)- I was asking where I could find hotmix CDs or mixes to play at my shows and he turned me on to a website that one of his boys put together where I found a bunch of hour long hotmixes. You can download them or get a CD shipped... He wrote down a discount code on his card and said I could share it with other DJs so if you want it, here you go:

The site is

The coupon code from the card is: dro15djc805110f

He said the code should be good till the middle of the month - I didn`t have any trouble using it. I got three mixes yesterday and I`m going back for more for a party I`m playing this weekend. The code got me 15% off the entire order. These are gonna make the weekend gig a blast!
Posted by Billy; updated 01/03/08


That website is illegal, and the RIAA is investigating. If you buy anything, your name will be included when all the information gets seized. You may get fined. You saw what happened to those college students, THOUSANDS of dollars in penalties.
Posted by Johnny; updated 01/21/08