Quinceanera In L.A. Next Week?
I am a photojournalist looking for a quinceanera in the Los Angeles area to document as part of a nationwide book project. I can offer digital pictures in exchange. The only requirement is that it has to take place sometime next week (May 12-18, 2003), preferably on a weekday. It doesn`t have to be a huge and extravagant affair - I would actually prefer a small, at-home celebration with most or all the details being handmade or organized by family and friends. The more colors and festivities, the better!
Please email if interested, or forward to anyone whom you think may be interested. Thanks!
Posted by HTFoto; updated 05/08/03
Please reply to: anon-11088102@craigslist.org
Posted by HTFoto; updated 05/08/03