Go Green! Eco-Friendly Party Favors - Save $10.00

Go green and save some green! Daisy Days is committed to providing brides with high-quality wedding favors that are safe for the environment. Our plantable seeded favors are both unique and practical... Your guests will love the gift of flowers or trees that these seeds provide. Daisy Days also offers organic favor boxes as well as our newest collection of "Go Green!" apparel for the bride and her bridal party. We also have baby shower favors that are great for the environment. What better way to welcome your baby into the world than to show how much you care with an earth-friendly product?

Now you can SAVE $10.00 on your "green" order of $100.00 that has at least one eco-friendly product. Simply enter the coupon code GOGREEN during checkout.

Be sure to visit www.daisy-days.com today for more "green" ideas!

Visit our page for more info: Daisy Days

Posted by Sarah; updated 12/14/07