Looking For Used Wedding Supplies

I`m on a really tight budget and am looking for some things for my wedding. If anyone has this stuff that you`re willing to sell, I`d love to hear from you!


20 round tablecloths - prefered Ivory
120 Linen Napkins - prefered Ivory
Isle runner
Tiki torches
White/Ivory circular paper lanterns
120 pieces of flatware (entire set)
120 plates

I would rent this stuff but I live in a rual area and the fees are more than I can afford.

If you have anything else that you`re looking to pass on to the next bride, I`d love to hear about it.
Posted by Dana; updated 12/07/07


Have you tried oriental trading company? they have lots of stuff for pretty cheap, You can also goggle stumps prom or shindigz they both are prom places and have a lot of stuff
Posted by Rita; updated 01/06/08