John Deere Wedding Invitations

A couple of months ago, I posted the message that my daughter was planning a John Deere wedding. Another individual indicated that she, too, was planning a John Deere wedding and wanted to share ideas. I have lost your email address - please send it to me again. If anyone else out there has ideas, especially with regard to the wedding invitations, please let me know. Thank you.
Posted by Mary Ann; updated 12/05/07


I would love to help! I am currently doing Pub Glasses for favors for a John Deere Wedding they have a Tractor on them driving away with a Just Married sign on the back and top hat and veil on the seat.

I custom design all of my work so I can definitely help I also hand paint invitiations, etc.

Visit our page for more info: Uniquely Yours Wedding & Party Design

Posted by CONNIE; updated 12/06/07