Damas Dresses
My Quince is in August of 08 and the color of my dress is Rosa Vieja {Rose Gold}. I dont know what color of dress for my Damas and I dont want them in any color close to my dress. I want to stand out from them and I want a color that My dress will stand out. Please if you have any ideas of colors please respond I need help
Thanks, God Bless
Posted by Lesly; updated 11/28/07
You can put them in a soft pink it will look great then the sash can be the color of your gown. We make all sorts of dresses if you send me you email i can send you a picture.
My Party Boutique@aol.com
Thank you
Visit our page for more info: My Party Boutique
Posted by sandra; updated 11/29/07
Well my email is LittleLess8@aol.com and I would really appreciate it
Posted by Lesly; updated 12/01/07
I think that the damas colors should be light pink or light blue becuase they don`t stand out just like you said.
Posted by Berenice; updated 02/29/08