I Need Help In Planning A Quincenero For A Boy

My son is 13 and we are looking to get an idea on how to plan his Quinceanero see how other young men choregraphed and did theres. Any Ideas? HELP
Posted by Denise Rodriguez; updated 11/27/07


I`m trying to figure out the same for a friend. The Thanksgiving Mass ritual does not specify gender, so that is no biggie deal. For the symbolic parts of the party, I have suggested:

-Instead if going from flats to heel, he can go from tennis shoes to dress shoes or boots.

-Instead of the doll, he can do a toy toss (a teddy bear). Like a bridal flower toss, have all the little kids form a semi-circle behind a chair and toss toys behind him for the kids to catch.

-Changing from a clip-on tie. He can start off wearing a clip-on and his dad (or grandfather, uncle or male role model) can bring him a regular tie and helping him tie it.

I hope this helps your Quinceanero...
Posted by Angelica; updated 06/07/11


Hello my name is Joseph Garcia.
I am a choreographer and can help you with your situation I have taught boy quinceaneros before it`s not a problem just a different layout. If you`re interested you may contact me at 626-433-3062 or email- josephgarci@hotmail.com
Posted by Joseph; updated 06/11/11