My husband and I are partners in this business...

We are located in Long Beach, Ca...

If you live around my area, call me at (562) 234-1894 cell, or home (562) 434-2980, or work (310) 898-1100 x2735

Very good prices...affordable...with a payment plan for those with no mucho dinero.
Posted by Inez and Jose; updated 04/29/03


Do you choose the waltz or can we choose it and you will show us the steps, how do you work? Also for the video do you offer samples of your work?
Posted by Lucy; updated 05/24/03


I`m not sure if you remember me but I wrote to you a while ago about maybe getting a video from you where it shows a sample of your waltz. You mentioned you could mail it to me and I`m willing to pay you for it also.
Please let me know what you think.
Posted by Bere Guerrero; updated 07/15/03


Im elbita my party is in honduras and i would like to know if u could send me a video of a choregraph so i could learn it and teach it to my court , i will pay for the video
Thank you
Posted by elbita; updated 07/30/03