Ladies, if you click on the "all messages" button of this board, you`ll see different sub-sections. Check out all the complaints people had of her on the "weddings" message thread. There are groups of women that are being swindled. She might deliver on one or two but most claim they never get their money. Luckily I listented to my gut and didn`t buy from her but when she told me to pay, she had a different paypal address listed under and guy`s name something Reed. Someone who`s a lawyer recommended that you contact BBB and file a complaint and contact the Attorney general`s office in your area so they are aware of her and her bad faith deals.
Posted by Susie; updated 04/29/03


Sorry my bad, you have to click on the "message boards" link located on the left toolbar, NOT the link on top.
Posted by Susie; updated 04/29/03