40`s Hairstyle (pin Up)
Please I need help....I would love to get a 40`s pin up girl hair do for a ball I am going to but I can`t find any good pics to show the stylist, so if ANYONE has any good pics or maybe a website I can go to PLEASE send it!!! THANKS... Much love...Otty
Posted by Otty; updated 10/25/07
Well, did you mean, like Victory Curls, or something more... Loose?
I highly suggest looking through this site: http://freespace.virgin.net/b.mercer/Pinup1.html
Victory Curls are the two inward curls on the top of the head. If you meant those, google "Victory Curls," it`ll come up with thousands of queries, I`d imagine.
Posted by Connie Kay.; updated 01/30/08