About 18th Birthday Party!

What signifies the 18 roses and 18 candles in a debut?
Posted by nic; updated 10/25/07


Just need some information how to host a debut party
Posted by mariza; updated 12/14/07


I. Introduction of the Debutants - Emcee
II. Ceremonial Walk - Debutants
III. Invocation - Relative
IV. Welcome Address - Relative
V. Dinner
VI. Intermission
VII. 18 Candles
VIII. Slicing of the Cake
IX. 18 Roses
X. Message for the Debutants - Father and Mother
XI. Acceptance Speech - Debutants
XII. Party Time

Hope this can help.
Posted by reych; updated 12/21/07


Please send me script for debut program
Posted by Cynthia Ramos; updated 01/01/08


Please send me speech or message for 18th treasures to have an idea
Posted by nora; updated 01/29/08


Please give a sample speech of an emcee in welcoming the debutant.
Posted by Cynthia; updated 09/17/08


I need sample introduction for welcoming of debutant
I need to know the meaningsignificant for 18 candles, 18 gifts and 18 roses
Posted by Cris Espela; updated 02/22/12