Photo Student Seeking Quincenera
My name Is Ian Fraser I`m a Photojournalist student at Ohio University. I`m currently located in Orlando Florida where I`m interning with a photographer. I`m interested in doing a photo story/ multimedia piece on a local Quincenera. I feel that It`s an important cultural and family event to cover and would be a great story to document. If you, or anyone you know would be interested in letting me document a quincenera please let me know. Thank you
Posted by Ian Fraser; updated 10/24/07
Hello Ian, I live in orlando, Fl and I am doing a big Quince party on Feb 02 for my daughter Cinderella style. Please contact me for more info. At: or call my cell 407.325.4924 maybe we can work together!!
Posted by Jizeel; updated 10/24/07