My Quinceañera Pixz

Hey everyone I just had my 15 on Dec. 25. I had it in Mexico and I had lots of fun. If anyone wants to see my pix let me know and leave me your email adress and I will send them to you!
Posted by *Erika*; updated 10/22/07


Hey well i would love to see your pics bcuz i am having a 15 in march and i need some ideas...thanx
Posted by Vivian Solis; updated 10/22/07


Hello there, i am having my 15th soon and i would love if you could send me your pics i need ideas. Well if you could that would be so nice thank you danniella. Heres my emails.
The best one to reach me @ is the gmail one thank you so much hope you send me them!
Posted by Danniella; updated 10/26/07