Any Diasasters?
Hey Everybody!
I just wanted to ask any girl who has had thier "15" did you have any diasaters? If you could please tell me, so I wont make a mistake!! *CICA*
Posted by *CICA*; updated 04/24/03
Yep, I get what ur saying!! I would die if I fell when I was dancing!! Woudl`nt u?
Posted by *CICA*; updated 04/24/03
Last saturday on the 19th i was in my friends quinceanera we neer really practiced cause she didnt havea choreographer so we just fooled around most of time ... DUring the waltz i was really nervous cause i was the first dama to go down the stairs and guess what ? I TRIPPED DOWN THE Stairs it was so embarrasing and then in the madrino padrino song instead of the padrinos dancing with the quinceanera they danced wtith each other and they took soo long that the song stoped in the middle of them so then they didnt mention all the padrinos. Oh yeah and then we were just about to dance a damas dress ripes (the skirt part) and we have to stop and ask people for safty pins... But after all it was rally fun
Posted by marrissa; updated 04/24/03