I Need A Lil` Help!!!!
I am having a hard time tryin 2 figure out how 2 afford a Quinceanera. My mom already works 35 strait days w/out any days off and barely has a few 20`s left over after bills and groceries. My Quinceanera is in early November next year and i need 2 find a place that sells AFFORDABLE dresses and a nice tux 4 my man (i know that i can just rent dresses 4 the damas and all the other tuxes). I want this 2 be very nice because the only thing else that is this big in my life is my wedding which is coming up in about 3 years. I really would like it if sum 1 could point my in the direction of a bridal shop in the deep east texas area. Thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by shel; updated 04/24/03
Dont buy the damas dresses they have to buy them them selfs so thoes everyone... BUt were do live near i know some cheap places with pretty dresses
Posted by marrissa; updated 04/24/03