Renewing Of Vows

My husband and i are renewing our vows. Is it ok to wear a wedding dress. I never had a big wedding so this will be my first big one in a church and everything. Is it ok to wear a veil? My mom wants me to wear the one she wore. I want to have people that our close in our lives to stand up with us is that ok? What are do`s and donts i should do. I need help i am wanting to do everything right but I want to remember this as another great chapter in my life with my husband!!
Posted by Janine; updated 09/27/07


Hi Janine and congratulations:

A renewal of vows ceremony is just that and you should follow the proper etiquette for it. You can have many elements of a "wedding", but in fact, it is not a wedding - you are already married. I post on lots of different wedding sites and this is talked about LOTS! Now some will say go ahead, but I say, YES, go ahead but do so with the proper etiquette. You can`t have bridesmaids/groomsmen, etc.; no "giving you away"; no "first dance"; no big poofy dress; and NO veil. Those things are reserved for a bride and you aren`t one. Again, this is asked quite frequently, and stated just as you did, about not having a "big wedding", but in fact, whatever kind of wedding you did have was YOUR wedding. Go to this link and there are pages and pages of questions and answers with the answers given by experts! Good luck and I hope you have a beautiful anniversary day!

Posted by Gail; updated 09/28/07


I know you were talking about not having a lot of things at our renewing of vows. But is it going to be looking down on or not allowed at all if i say wear a veil. I am doing it because it would mean the world to my mom to wear hers. Also i want to wear a dress. Also my parents wouldnt be giving me away but they would be walking with me( so they could be apart of my day) and i am not calling them bridesmaids but they are going to stand up with me, also as far as the first dance. Why couldnt we have one? we never had one so that means this would be our first. All this is my first as far as having a church setting and having my loved ones there. I want to spend the rest of my life with him and i want everyone to share in the joy with us!
I know you said look on the links and i did. You also stated no to make it look like a wedding. But the renewing vows ceremony reminds me just like a first wedding but it just says renewing of vows a lot!

So i guess what i am getting at is....i am happy you are trying to help and you are an expert at this and you are trying to help but can i do and have what i didnt have the first time at the renewal? I guess also what i am getting at is...will it be allowed?
Posted by Janine; updated 09/28/07


Hi Janie,
This is your renewal ceremony, and it should be as YOU want it. Do you really care about what the etiquette books have to say?

My hubby and I eloped in February. We were alone except for the couple that stood up for us, in another city, in another state. We were married by a J.P. At the courthouse. .

In February we had a church wedding complete with gown, veil, brides maids, groomsmen, someone to give me away, a ring bearer and our friends in attendance. My mother was not invited to our "elopement" but she was at our Wedding! My mother is gone now, and I am glad that I did not mitigate our wedding by worring about what Emily Post would think. (I simply did not invite her.)

Now we have two anniversaries each year - one on Feb. 4th and one on July 1st. Let`s see. That means we have enjoyed 92 anniversaries in our 46 years of married life. We enjoy each celebration. In February we include close friends, in July it is our special day.

On our 40th anniversary, we renewed our vows in the church. Our son and daughter were our attendents and togther they "gave us to each other" and our church friends were in attendance and joined us for a small celebration afterwards. I wore a dressy dress and my hubby wore a nice suit.

If your mother would like to see you in her veil, go for it. You don`t have to please strangers and if you and your mother would like to do this, I say do it! If you don`t feel comfortable wearing a wedding gown, then wear a white dress. You will look lovely. Send me pictures!

Good luck and a happy lilfe to you and your hubby.


Visit our page for more info: Forever Yours Dolls

Posted by Sue B; updated 09/30/07


Sue i would like to thank you for the message you sent about me renewing my vows. I was coming to think I wasnt allowed to do anything and everything I was going to plan I thought my family and friends would look down on it. So Thank you for making me see that this day is about...Its about me and my husband!

PS- i would love to send you pictures!
Posted by Janine; updated 10/02/07


You go for it! Have a wonderful wedding and a happy, happy life with lots of wonderful memories.

Hugs to you and your lucky hubby,

Visit our page for more info: Forever Yours Dolls

Posted by Sue B; updated 10/02/07