Grades And Your Quinceanera
OMG!!! my parents just told me that if i don`t get good grades this year i wont be able to have my quinceanera! as shocking as it is believe it bc idk what to do plz help me!!!!
Posted by Deholmys; updated 09/03/07
Well mija u gots to respect ur parents Decision...
Ur parents are strict verdad?
Posted by Thalia; updated 09/05/07
I ma sure that you will bring the grades up and when your do . . Take a look at my site for high quality, low cost Quince supplies I carry all the supplies needed to make your own capias, recuerdos and centerpieces. I also carry invitation. Email me at
Visit our page for more info: Recuerdos Y Mas
Posted by sonia; updated 09/07/07
Well they aren`t really that strict Thalia pero tey the just want me to get good grades this anio po que im in 9th grade so they want me en un bun high school..........but yo se que voy a mantener my grades good ( but this only counts for my 1st trimester bc i need to plan my quince starting this January - 12 months before -)
Posted by Deholmys; updated 09/08/07
Oh well dats cool. I`m gald dat u r totally confident about your grades. Just do what u gotta do mija and
Remember do ur best or "NO QUINCEANER 4 U"
Posted by Thalia; updated 09/09/07