50th Bday Party-How To Plan/Host?
Can anyone help me on how to organize/host a 50th bday party? i was asked by a dear friend to host her 50th bday but i dont know how the program shud go.
Pls. Pls this is urgent. Tnx in advance.
Posted by lance; updated 08/27/07
Hi Lance:
Have your never hosted a party before? It`s the same as always.....
~ Find out from your friend what she wants (as in what time of day, what kind of meal, how many people she wants invited, etc.).
~ Pick a venue (place) to host it. Your house? A hall? A park? A church hall?
~ Send out invitations about 3 weeks prior to the event.
~ Buy food and drinks.
~ Decorate a little if you want. This is not really necessary though.
~ Play some music by CD`s or you can even get a DJ if it`s going to be a big party at a hall!
~ Put out the food and drinks at the right time and enjoy!
Good luck!
Posted by Gail; updated 08/28/07
You can go to my website at www.abncparties.com and look under Mitzvah Planning Guide for a timeline of things to do to plan the party. This can be used for your friend`s party or any party in the future. If I can be of further help in the future, please don`t hesitate to contact me.
Visit our page for more info: A-BnC Parties and More, Inc.
Posted by Judy; updated 08/29/07