Self-improvement; A great deal has been written on the subject, but
Does any anyone really know how to successfully implement a creative
And manageable plan for its accomplishment? The concept involves
Goal setting, planning, time management as well as patience, faith,
Understanding and real desire. Too many times, people approach self
Improvement haphazardly, unfocused and unclear as to exactly what
They want. This is not a paper specifically concerning goal-setting,
That will be addressed another time in greater detail, but rather a
Blueprint for the implementation of the plan you generate during
Your own self-improvement goal setting exercise.
Many times, we set out on a self-improvement course of action with
Literally no idea of how to proceed, with only a loose idea of what
We really want to accomplish. Basically, at this point, it`s just a
Dream of a better day. This is actually not what you want; after
All, you expect success. You must believe success is possible and
Probable. Be expectant. Be confident.
Before you begin, sit down and write out your plan of action.
Clearly write your goal, your timeframe, identify the specific steps
To accomplish during the journey and the obstacles that you expect
To encounter along the way. Yes, write this all down. Review it each
Evening before bed and again when you awaken in the morning. Keep
Your plan with you at all times and read it aloud to yourself
Several times during the day. This will imbed it deeply into your
Subconscious mind where it will steer you in the direction of your
Jeff Olson talks about the Slight-Edge Formula for success. Imagine
An incremental system where you consciously plan to improve just ¼%
Each day, or even each week. Can you do that? Sure you can.
Everybody can. It has been said that "you can eat an elephant if you
Do it one bite at a time." The same idea holds true with this
Concept. The premise is to experience minute improvements on a
Consistent basis that tend to compound over time like interest. A ¼%
Improvement in any skill each day is a 1-¾% improvement each week! A
7% improvement each month! An 84% improvement in just 1 year! It`s
Actually higher than that because all of your advances are
Compounding at an exponential rate! Are you beginning to see the
Potential of this compounding power at work within you?
The Slight Edge Formula for success is the answer. Do a little each
Day and reap the rewards you desire over time, while consistently
Moving in the direction of your goal. You will always get out in
Proportion to what you put in. Apply yourself. It pays big dividends!
Most people never begin. They may talk a big talk, but they fail to
Act. Only a few of those who do take action tend to persist over
Time. Are you one of the few who are determined to make your life
Different? Do you want changes badly enough? Then begin now.
Persist. Make no excuses.
"What`s in it for me" or WIIFM is your mantra. What is it that`s in
It for you that will drive you to pursue the goals that you have
Defined? Identify this and you have taken the first step toward the
Success you desire. This can potentially change your life? Nothing
Will happen until you first decide to get started. You have to make
Things happen. Do not wait for things to miraculously happen. They
Will not.
Choose to employ the Slight-Edge Formula into your everyday life
Events. It is simple, easy to implement and it really works.
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