Quinceanera Certificate
Does any one know where I can find the Quinceanera certificate that signifies the comittment. I have seen baptismal and confirmation certificates, but haven`t come accross one specifically for this. I was informed that there is a specific certificate for this occassion, was I miss informed?
Posted by yngrandma; updated 04/12/03
Here is the addy for the certificate
I hope this is the one you are looking for
Posted by Lora; updated 07/23/03
Im looking for one just like this but its for a sweet sixteen insted does anyone know of a web site
Posted by yolanda; updated 10/19/03
Im looking for a certificate for sweet sixteen i saw sweet fifteen but thats not wat i want do you know of a web site where i can buy it
Posted by yolanda; updated 10/30/03