Little Mermaid Theme
Hi, my client is interested in having her daughter come out of a seashell for her quince but I have no idea where to find this prop. I`ve tried everything for searches on the internet and nothing seems to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated on where to find a place to do this.
Posted by Monday; updated 08/07/07
My daughter too. Did you get any ideas? If you did, kindly let me know.
Posted by laura; updated 09/28/07
Hey, My little sister is having an under the sea them quince too and we kind of had a similar idea with the sea shell except instead of having her come out of it. Its going to be like the chair that she sits on. =)
Posted by Alexis; updated 10/04/07
Alexis so how about the valz do you guys have any cordination that will go w/the theme. So what r u guys using for your theme is it just the chair or do you have music that will relate. Sorry to ask soo much I just have many ideas but am also having trouble choosing the music that relates to this theme well having trouble with the whole theme period. If you have a website u r looking into let me know. I would greatly appreciate it.
Posted by laura; updated 10/05/07
We`re not looking at any particular website, b/c it is hard to find stuff for the theme but, im basically planning her whole quince so most of the ideas are coming straight from me, so its not just the chair. For the vals she hasnt chosen what song to do but she wants to do a cumbia and we were thinkin about using the under the sea song from the litlle mermaid but were not sure yet.
Posted by alexis; updated 10/08/07