
I am looking for a photographer who will provide photos and prints only. I do not need an album or any extras.

Affordable please. :-)
Posted by Chrisina; updated 07/31/07


Where are you located?
Posted by Jeanne'; updated 07/31/07


I am located in Brooklyn, New York.
Posted by Chrisina; updated 08/01/07


Sorry can`t help you out! However, since maybe now your location is known someone will see it in your area. You can always try to contact a photography class and inquirer about their best students. That would be the most affordable way to get an inspired photographer that needs subjects. Win Win situation!
Best Wishes.
Posted by Jeanne'; updated 08/01/07


That is actually an excellent idea. Do you have any suggestions on what questions I should ask about equipment they are using?
Posted by Chrisina; updated 08/01/07


Ask to see some work. Also, How long have they been taking photos. And exactly what kind of pictures do they enjoy taking, What`s their medium. There are plenty of formats, since you are looking for prints its wide open for you. I would call and let the teacher know what your sorta looking for and let him steer you in that direction. I hope it works out for you. I know when I was in school I was starving for subjects so you should have no problems.
Posted by Jeanne'; updated 08/01/07


Thank you Jeanne` You have no idea how much you have helped. I have contacted a local school and they will be getting back to me shortly.
Posted by Chrisina; updated 08/01/07


Hey Christina! I am very willing to work with your budget. Please visit my website at

I`m located in northern NJ.


Visit our page for more info: Images4uphotography

Posted by Timothy Griffin; updated 08/01/07


I have a few questions that I will email you directly.

Thanks Timothy!
Posted by Chrisina; updated 08/01/07


Sounds good! Thanks Christina! Have a great day.

Visit our page for more info: Images4uphotography

Posted by Timothy Griffin; updated 08/01/07


Hi Christina,
I would love to speak with you and work out a budget thats right for you. I am a Freelance Photographer from Westchester, NY - about 40 minutes from you and I take beautiful photographs that are affordable, I do not charge a high fee at all. My work is exceptional and I truly love what I do. Please visit my website at and then email me at with your questions and information. Referrences and Portfolio available upon request. Best Wishes. Anna

Visit our page for more info: Memories in a Snap - Westchester Ny Photography

Posted by Anna; updated 08/06/07