Capture The Moment

Capture the moment you wish to remember in an heirloom quality look-alike porcelain doll handcrafted especially for you by Forever Yours Dolls..

Perfect for:
The addition of a new member of the family,
Something special for the new grandparents,
Holiday gift,
Anniversary or other special occasion,

This gift is destined to become an heirloom in your family - a way to capture the image of a loved one and a beautiful piece of artwork to display in your home.

All work is done by award winning certified Seeley Porcelain Doll Instructors. Please visit our site for examples of our look-alikes dolls. Click on Specialty Dolls when you get to our home page at:

Write to us at:

Thank you for your interest,

Visit our page for more info: Forever Yours Dolls

Posted by Sue B; updated 07/30/07