
I need a NON-expensive choreographer fast!!! please reply if you know someone or a bussiness ASAP!!!!
Posted by Kathy!!!; updated 07/24/07


What city, state are you in?

Visit our page for more info: Tiaras & Tacones Quince/Sweet 16 Party Planning

Posted by celiabarrios; updated 07/25/07


Nesecito un chorografo para mi hija que cumple quince ,pero yo vivo en san pablo california, y no se como contactar a alquien , gracias
Posted by lisseth; updated 08/02/07


Comuniquese a 323 316-3472 para mas informes sobre coreografos...

Visit our page for more info: Tiaras & Tacones Quince/Sweet 16 Party Planning

Posted by celia barrios; updated 08/02/07


My quince is on september 29 and i need a Choreographer to help me with my surprise dances!!! email bac at
Posted by Leonela; updated 08/07/07