Ok. For those of you who are all " OMG OMG OMG benji is so hot!" What the heck? I mean c`mon the way some of you gush over them its like theyre a boy band. I mean sure they are really really hot and stuff but thats not all thats to `em. The fact that they are good looking makes them even more likable. Dont get me wrong theyre my all time favorite band and have been for a while. When you people meet them are you gonna like be all over them and stuff. I know if I met them I would only want to be a friend. My point is do you think that if for any reason they read this that they would want to meet you? I dont know and beleive me im not a hater i wanna be friends but please quit with the " So hot and sexy" stuff. Peace out and have a GREAT day. ;-) and I love GC...keep representin`!
Posted by erb(intials)lol; updated 04/07/03


I`m so completely with you girl.I`m sick of people who look at the band and see only it`s members.C`mon!It`s music after all!What makes me love`em?Their motivation, their passion, their corage and persistance.Ok, I agree they look oryginal and that makes them even more fascinatin` but without music I wouldn`t even know `bout their existance.With all the respect but I`m really pissed when I see a 9 year old girl in a shirt of my favourite band without even knowin` 1 damn song.It`s sad you know.And I hope my band won`t be treated like this. See you guyes and keep punk rock in your heart.
Posted by Agata; updated 11/13/03