Cheap Pocket Fold Invitations!

Hi I am also looking for pocketfold invitations that are CHEAP. Because I am on a budget I figure that getting the smaller 4x5 pocket folds would be better for my budget. I hope to find pocket folds for under $1 in ivory or ecru. I will be needing about 50-75 of these pocket folds so please help me if you have any information!! Thanks!

Posted by sue; updated 07/17/07


I know who not to order from:
I ordered my wedding invitations from When I received my order I was missing 125 response envelopes. I called and emailed. No response. I waited a couple days, still no response. I called again, emailed again, still no response. After a week (I think they finally got tired of me emailing and calling them) I got a brief email stating they would be sent out asap. It has been two weeks and still no envelopes. My wedding is in 6 weeks and I`m completely stressed. I will now have to purchase extra envelopes and send them out, which means they will not match. I never received an apology, nor a phone call, just a brief email stating they would send them. Which they still have not.
Posted by teresa; updated 07/31/07