Bat Mitzvah Girl`s Speech

I have a Bat Mitzvah coming up soon and as the Bat Mitzvah girl I need something to write about the meaning of a Bat Mitzvah and its ritual meaning. It would be a great help if anyone can reply to this message!
Posted by Hannah Solts; updated 07/17/07


Well at my synagogue, we do a d`var torah which explains what our torah portion is about, and people usually try to relate to themselves.

Have you done a bat mitzvah project? Maybe talk about how becoming a bat mitzvah means becoming an adult in the jewish custom, and include how you`ve grown, what it means to you to becomes a bat mitzvah, and what you`ve done to prepare.

Mazel Tov! I hope your speech works out!
Posted by Jen; updated 06/26/08