My Quince
Okayy i just went o my cousins 15
&& she didnt have any damas
It looked nice all the atention was on her
She said i shouldnt have any
So do you think i should
Posted by ariana; updated 07/15/07
No you shoulnt because you want all the attention to you and not to other people its goin to be your nigth not theres.
Posted by yennica; updated 07/26/07
Well what yennica says is true.. But in my opinion i want to compartir with my closest family and friends. Your probaly thinking " Well thats why i invite them" but what if they don`t come. And it`s not the same to just invite them than to have them in your valz and making u feel special and shine. BUT as always it`s YOUR 15. Your suppose to have things YOUR way and w-eva u want, you`ve got to have it. Do what u gotta do... Hope it helps
Posted by Thalia; updated 07/27/07