My Quince
My quince is until june of 2008 but as i dont know any thing on how to start or my mom either i have had lots of cousins that had there quince but i want it different ,nice ,as i have been the one more with less money but my mom will help in every thing i live in chicago ill so if any one lives around here can show me ther video or fotos or (chereografer) sorry for the spelling i will love to dance hip hop ,durangense but when they pick up all around crazy but nice not only just durangense in the floor standing there side to side i want moves cool moves also i wil like advise for my theme im thinkin princess,cinderella, or some thing like that my cake is going to be a big cake that looks like castle, please reply here if any one can help me i will apreciated alot
Posted by vianey; updated 06/29/07
Thanks kuddlez tha works alot i actually already have church that im going to see hall ,and dress my theme i think and will like to be cinderella/princess do u have and e -mail i can get to u heres mine maybe we can e mail and talk about if u can help me more thanks ..
Posted by vianey; updated 07/30/07
I can help get a wonderful quince at a low cost and Im in the chigao area. If you qould like pictures and pricing contact me at
Visit our page for more info: Recuerdos Y Mas
Posted by sonia; updated 08/13/07