Need A Cool Game?

If you need a cool game to play at a party well then ur in luck! this game can be played at any ages above 10. How u play... Put exzality how many chairs of oeople there are in a circle... Make shure the back of the chairs are faceing the outside of the cicrle so the chairs could be removed freom the cicrle easly. Now every one puts there backs on the chairs so there pretty much makeing a bringe over their chair. Makie shure every one is facing the same way in the cicirle. How the cicle should look. Everyones head should be on the persons knees behind theirs. So the person infront of you should have there head on your knees. Now some one not in the part of the cicrile simply move a chair 1 by 1 out from under the person. Once all the chairs have beed ramoved and everyone is still in there brige shape you have DONE IT! i hope u try the game and love it!!!!!!

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Posted by Blair; updated 06/26/07