Is It True You Need To Be A Virgin To Have A Quinceanera

Hey whats up my name is sam. My friend had sex with her boyfriend and still had a quince but she pledge to be pure. My question is can you lose your virginity and still have a quince?
Posted by Samantha G.; updated 06/17/07


I dont think its true but i was wondering the same thing
Posted by chica erica; updated 06/18/07


Traditionally: Your supposed to be a virgin because a quince symbolizes you becoming a women and sex is something you should do in womanhood not are supposed to go before God pure and that is the reason for the white dress (it symbols purity)

But most girls have one anyway :)
Posted by Leticia; updated 07/20/07


U think U shouldn`t be a VIRGIN? Everybody has different opinions and everybody thinks different, but for me U should be a virgin.
Posted by Andrea; updated 07/21/07