I Want To Know All About Your Quince!
I`m collecting stories/pictures of girls who have had Quinces, as well as questions of girls and parents who are planning one. I`m an editor of a publication to help Latinas plan a quince. So, I`d love to hear:
- about your party theme
- how traditional was it? or did you add your own creative twist?
- what did your dress look like?
- what information did you wish you had to help with planning?
- any last-minute disasters happen, and how did you resolve them?
Can`t wait to hear from you!
Posted by Tammy; updated 06/10/07
Well first parents and us girls start planning 1 year before. The family has a choice of lookin for padrinos ``god parents that help pay for stuff`` or not. You also have amass specially for you in your church. You bye your dress for X-ample me i bought a wdding dress some lady is going to cut of the tail of and make it my size for me. You also rent a salon thats to your reach. The girls dance a A dance with there chambelanes and dammas called The Valz. Also have a father and daughter dance, as well as your last doll. You give it to a little gurl that means your livin your child hood and going into the lady hood. THATS A BIG TRADITION!!!!! another is when you go to church you take a boutique that is made of real flowers to leave it to the Virgen Mary. You get your pic. Taken!! And so much more any more ? just right to me and all answer.
Posted by vane; updated 06/10/07