Custom Wedding Dress?
Hello all! I am seeking a very dramatic red ballgown for my Halloween wedding reception. So far I have had no luck. I was wondering if it would be a better route to have it custom made. I am kind of on a budget, would that be a really expensive way to go? Located in Atl., GA area if anyone recommends someone to go to. Thanks!
Posted by Andrea; updated 06/05/07
Andrea, Check out this site:
They are down for maintanance tonight 6/6/07, but should be up again soon. Lots of red ball gowns. I can order from them at much less than prices listed on this site. Or I also work with a designer who could custom make a gown too. I enclosed a picture of one her more famous replica gowns.
Visit our page for more info: White Lace and Promises
Posted by JoAnne; updated 06/06/07
I am not going to Flood you with information or photos
We make STUNNING gowns and in any color you wish
Just check out our website and email us .
Dutchess Bridal
Visit our page for more info: Dutchess Bridal
Posted by Dutchess Bridal; updated 06/07/07