I Really Need Help To Make A Sweet Sixteen S
I need help to make a sweet sixteen since my mom couldn`t do me a fifteen. So i wanna know how to make a cheap 16 but that is nice so if you can help me please help me!!!
Posted by maria; updated 06/03/07
Just tell me on what an di can help.
Posted by !!!vanessa!!!!!; updated 06/05/07
Hey! I`m an event planner and can take care of your ENTIRE sweet 16, at no cost. We work directly with several venues and will not charge you for our services. Email me some of your ideas so we can potentially work on your perfect night together :)
Posted by Erika; updated 06/25/07
Hey, I am doing my daughter`s sweet 16 also since I couldn`t do her 15th. I am planning everything on my own with her and basically we have bought everything through the internet in large quantities. We shopped around in the web for 2 months since her theme is Medevil times.Email me if you need help. Since I am helping my daughter. Let me know what is your theme??? snoopy2shop@yahoo.com
Posted by Alexa; updated 06/25/07