Does anyone know where I can get an ALLURE wedding gown #8362 in cafe and ivory for really great price? The cheapest I found it was for $858.00 which included veil and shoes (i already have veil and shoes). The clock is ticking and I need to purchase my dress a.s.a.p! thanks!
Posted by iris; updated 06/01/07


That is the rock bottom price an authorized reatiler can sell that gown for without being threatened to have the line pulled by the company. If this is an AUTHORIZED Allure retailer, then buy it. They are even including shoes and a veil and that is still to expensive? Try an online discounter. You may get it cheaper, but who is going to handle any problems for you if they happen to arise? You need a local retailer for that reason. Someone you can depend on to provide great service along with a gorgeous gown. I can tell you now, whoever is offering that gown plus shoes and veil to you at that price is going way above and beyond. You won`t regret buying from them, believve me. They are barely covering their overhead with that deal. Unless they are a high volume discounter. No matter, they are also an authorized retailer who are just using a different approach.
Posted by Brideguy; updated 06/01/07


I bought the gown and got a great price try
I ordered it the beginning of the month so I haven`t received it yet, but I have heard good things about them
Posted by Laura; updated 06/15/07


Try I got mine for $617 back in December.
Posted by Jessica; updated 07/15/07