Gifts For My Court

I would like to get a little gift for my Court , Does anyone have any Sugestions?
Posted by Stephanie; updated 05/01/07


I think you should take them out where they like 2 go but then somewhere cheap 2...2 thank them...
Posted by Mary; updated 05/02/07


I think for the Ladies you can buy there jewlery and go to Bath and Body and get like the sm. Bottles of spray and the lotion/shower gel and put them into a little pouch and decorate it nice and give to them. Have a little reception for you court like a sm BBQ the weekend before not to expenisive, maybe someone in your family can host it for you.
Posted by Lisa; updated 05/14/07


Thanks for the suggestions I think they are both good ideas .
Thanks again,
Posted by Stephanie; updated 05/14/07