Ask Me How To Protect Your Gown From Disaster!

In numerous articles in bridal publications and websites, the problem of food stains on gowns has often been addressed, with the only suggesstions being " bring along a towel" or even " use a straw when drinking". Until now there has been no real solution. We are the exclusive provider of Tidy-Bride Aprons on Long Island. Tidy-Bride is a garment a bride can wear confidently over her gown at the dinner and reception, fashionable enough to compliment the most luxurious couture gown, yet practical enough to fully protect th egown from accidental spills, splatters and stains. And it is definitely not your mother`s apron. Offered in seven styles and four shades of white, this protective wedding gown apron is designed to look like an accessory that actually came with the gown.

Call or email me today to see how I can help you.

Tracy Friedman
Peachy Penguin Productions Inc.

Visit our page for more info: Peachy Penguin Productions Inc.

Posted by Tracy; updated 05/01/07