Karl Blaser, Photography

Has anyone used Karl Blaser for their wedding? He cashed my deposit check for months ago but never returned a contract and won`t call back or return e-mails. My fiance and I are worried! A friend got an immediate response a couple of days ago when she emailed him and said she was interested in using him for her wedding. Any thoughts?
Posted by Janice; updated 05/01/07


What this photographer is doing is steeling, you need to take him to small claims court to get your money back. Even if he responded to you now I would trust him to be reliable. As a professional photographer and business man what he is doing is unethical and gives our profession a bad reputation. Good Luck

Visit our page for more info: Frankel Photography

Posted by Al; updated 05/01/07


I completely agree with Frankel Photography. You might also want to call your local police department and see what your options are. I know this might be a hassle but it sounds like he does this often. I can not imagine how stressed you must be about this but if you take action, perhaps you can stop him from doing it to anyone else. Good luck and I am sorry to hear this happened to you. :(



Visit our page for more info: Dama Productions

Posted by Dawn; updated 05/04/07


Wow, this is not what expected when I started planning this wedding. Thanks for your responses. Fortunately for us (and unfortunately for Mr. Blaser), my fiance`s family is FULL of lawyers.....
Any recommendations for reputable Boston area photographers?
Posted by Janice; updated 05/04/07


What are you looking for as your photographer. How long do you want the photographer for, do you want an album, extra pictures , CD, ect.? How much are you looking to spend?

Visit our page for more info: Frankel Photography

Posted by Al; updated 05/04/07