***Eve Of Milady E 34 For Sale***

I just picked up my Dress, It`s Soooo Beautiful. I got it from Eva`s Bridal & Fashion in Chicago Illinois, you can check the Store online, if you like. I paid $5090.95 for the dress $366.57 tax a total of $5454.52. I will be selling this dress rigth after my wedding, that is going to be on Octuber 2007, It`s a sz 10 there will be no alterations on the dress, and I will be extra careful so you can get a like new wedding gown, I have pictures of the dress and recive if you are Interstad. Email me @ xangomama@gmail.com I`m asking for 1/2 the price $2727.26
Posted by vicky; updated 04/29/07