Letting Go Choose Your Mate
Ok well ill start from the beginning i am 19 my fiance is 24 we are in love and we are planning to be married probably by next year. We came to christ together and have helped each other through so many break-throughs in life and so many other things.. However he is still at home with his mother (so am i by the way) and im like you are old enough for so much more in life finacially. So money is a big issue but we have love. Now we have alot of people in our lives telling me that he is not good for me cause he`s 24 and has nothing i mean which fiancially there is nothing we can do for each other right now. WE ARE TRYING TO HELP EACH OTHER OUT BUT HE IS 24 IM 19. Shouldn`t he be father along than me. Now then i have another problem i need to know how do you know god has given you this person that you are about to marry. Theres so much negativity in our lives i always tend to think god is sending me a sign that this is not ment to be how do i know this is god and not me just trippin help me guys what is really my problem.
Posted by Tiffany; updated 04/28/07