Wawnted: TALL Prom Dress W/Extra Length
My step-daughter just decided that she`s going to prom, and she wants a long prom dress. But she`s 6`2", and standard length prom dresses aren`t long enough for her. I know Tiffany and Alyce have some extra long lengths--if anyone has one of these dresses to sell, please let me know! Thanks!
Posted by Jill; updated 04/17/07
My daughter has several. She is six foot. One is a royal blue beaded from the neck down. The back is out. It is probably a eight or six. She has a off white nicole miller that has never been wornen or tried on. It is brand new. The blue dress is 200 and the nicole miller is 550.
Posted by Deby Colvin; updated 05/24/07
My daughter has several. She is six foot. One is a royal blue beaded from the neck down. The back is out. It is probably a eight or six. She has a off white nicole miller that has never been woren or tried on. It is brand new. The blue dress is 200 and the nicole miller is 550.
Posted by Deby Colvin; updated 05/24/07