SAM I AM Bat-Mitzvah Theme
I am trying to come up with a fun and tasteful way to integrate our "Sam I Am" theme with a centerpiece, possibly floral. "Sam I am" is a character from a Dr. Seuss book-- my daughter`s name is Samantha so the idea is to celebrate all of her hobbies/interests -- "all about Samantha" by playing on Seuss` words. I don`t want it to get too childish though -- just want it to be fun, appealing and colorful. Some of her hobbies/favorite things are tennis, summer camp, basketball, fashion design....any ideas are welcome!! Thanks.
Posted by Nina; updated 04/12/07
I can definitely help you out.
I could do the Sam I am character on hurricane centerpieces doing her different hobbies ( different one`s for each table) then you could do the floral ring around the base or however you would like.
You may see some of my work at
These are just examples and I do work on pricing for larger orders as well.
Visit our page for more info: Uniquely Yours Wedding & Party Design
Posted by CONNIE; updated 04/12/07
Hello Connie,
I create DVD Slide Shows, often centering around a favorite theme. When my son was born (his name is Sam) his birth announcement was "Sam I am" DVD. With all your daughter`s hobbies perhaps you would like to incorporate a DVD to play in the background with her favorite music. The slide show becomes a cherished keepsake, that chronicles their life from birth to Bat Mitzvah.
My website is
Let me know if I can be of service.
Visit our page for more info: Dvd's by Betsy
Posted by Betsy; updated 04/17/07