Oleg Cassini CV008 Tiara
CV008 Tiara WANTED! Need it immediately and thanks but I don`t want the Bridal Images knock off...
Marnie at marniesmail@adelphia.net
Posted by Marnie; updated 04/10/07
Hi I have the TCV008 tiara, as well as the gown. I am selling the tiara, which I got from David`s. Are you still looking? I can send you a picture of it--the tags are still on. :) Shoot me an email if you`re interested.
Thanks! :)
Posted by ally; updated 04/27/07
I have the veil, tiara, gown and purse. Please contact me at dgregory at wnfnet dot com. Thanks
Posted by dana; updated 04/29/07
I am looking for the TCV008 tiara. Interested in the real thing or the knock off!
Posted by Laura; updated 05/31/07
I`m looking for both in a 16 anyone?
Posted by lena; updated 06/02/07
Hi there. I have the tiara with the tags still on it, and it`s never been used. I originally bought it to wear in my wedding in July, but I`ve decided to wear my hair differently and it wont look right! If you`d like to purchase it, please email me at allyjune@sbcglobal.net.
Posted by allison; updated 06/03/07
I have the gown in a size 14 if anyone`s interested. Czalalas@comcast.net
Posted by Chrysa; updated 06/05/07
Hi Dana and everyone,
Dana I tried to email you, but the address you listed would not go through. I`m interested in the original Cassini Crown (tiara) and matching veil for Cassini`s CV008. I don`t like the Bridal Images version on ebay and I am only interested in the original. Pls contact me at Kat2005lol@yahoo.com.
Posted by Kate; updated 06/10/07
I no longer have the tiara veil or purse, they went quickly. I do however, still have the gown. Thanks
Posted by Dana; updated 06/11/07
You can still get them thru David`s Bridal -- marked down to $49.99! I work there, and I just bought the gown it goes with. You just need to go to your nearest DB, ask them to look up the tiara style number, and they`ll tell you which stores have it. Then, you phone that store (likely in another state, depending) and order it over the phone. That`s what I did! DON`T BUY IT USED OR ON EBAY!! They`re asking for ridiculous amounts of money for it used or whatever. Get it new and on clearance price from DB. You can have it shipped either via ground ($15) or overnight ($25). I just ordered the matching purse from a store in Georgia -- it`s marked down to $9.99. It`s easy, you`ll save a lot of money, and it`ll be brand new. Oh -- if you want the purse, the style number is 12823, and I know the Albany, Georgia store has a few of them. Other store have it too, if you find one closer to where you live. Best of luck, enjoy the most gorgeous dress DB ever sold, and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Posted by Annie; updated 09/05/07
I have the dress in a 16, altered slightly tighter at the waist, skirt bustled with the coolest hidden bustle I`ve ever seen in a wedding skirt -- NOTHING shows from the outside! Dancing skirt also available. Yes, that`s right, I bought a second dress and altered it into a tea-length dance skirt. This is the only way you`ll be able to freely shake your groove thing at your wedding!
Dress for sale.
Skirt and tiara for rent. (I want them to make YOU happy but I would really like them back when you`re done!)
Email me at ugacomputerprincess[removethistext]@yahoo.com.
Posted by Anne; updated 09/06/07
Actually it`s still 99.99 at DB. But I ordered it a few minutes ago from Louisiana (985-639-0333), and I was told the Albany GA store (229-420-8823) and the McCollum, TX store (956-682-5151) may still have it.
Posted by Wendy; updated 12/11/07
I have the dress in size 18 (new, never worn except to try on) if any one is interested. Email...mccbethany@yahoo.com
Posted by Bethany; updated 01/21/08
If anyone still has the tiara to sell...please let me know!
Posted by andrea; updated 12/22/08
Hi there! I still have the tiara available if you`re interested.
Posted by allison; updated 01/05/09
I am interested in the Oleg Cassini Tiara TCV008 if anyone has one.
Posted by Sharhon; updated 03/26/09
I have it as well as matching earings and necklace
Posted by Cathlyn; updated 03/28/09
I also have the matching bracelet
Posted by Cathlyn; updated 03/28/09
Is it the actual Oleg Cassini one? Do you have any pictures? How much would you be willing to sell them for?
Posted by Sharhon; updated 03/29/09
I still have the tiara, it`s the actual Oleg Cassini one--if you would like to email me I can provide you a picture.
Posted by allison; updated 04/12/09
I am getting married 12/22/12 - if anyone has the tiara, I`m interested. Email me at lillian25@msn.com put bold on the subject TIARA so I make sure I get it! :) Thanks.
Posted by Lily; updated 04/16/12