Quinceanera Gift
I have been invited to a Quinceanera. I do not know what is an appropriate gift for the young girl who invited me. There was an elegant empty envelope that came with my invitation. Is it to put money into? Or should I get her a real gift, like a silver picture frame, or silver locket? I`m not hispanic and all I know is what I`ve read on the internet.
Help! Please! Thank you
Posted by Lynn; updated 03/21/07
This will be the first Quinceanera celebration we are attending. What is a good gift? Is it Money & is there usually a specific amount given? Thank you!
Posted by Linda; updated 03/30/07
I believe that the perfect gift for a girl turning 15 is MONEY what else would a 15 year old want more. Depending on your relationship with the girl I would give about 25 to 50 dollars
Posted by melisa; updated 04/25/07