Bachlorette Party In Nyc

I have to throw lorette for a bunch of rls who are coming in from out of town. We will be in nyc. I want to start with a male review, or something similsr and then head to a nearby club that has dance music that is geared to everyone. Any suggestions?
Posted by dana; updated 03/09/03


Right on 1st avenue there`s a male stripper place and I think you have to get your tickets in a advance and they also serve a dinner. And then ther are just so many clubs out there. You might want to try centro-fly, they have many different dance floors with all types of music. Veyr trendy place. If there is anyone who is under age out of your group you might want to go to Webster Hall because they have all types of music, it`s a lot of fun and you only have to be 19 to get in. If you`d like I can get you free passes before 11 for Webster. If you need any help wtih anything like booking the tickets, or for favors for eveyone to take home after your evening or that can be used for your evening, i.e. Glow sticks, veil for the bride, etc... Just email me directly

Visit our page for more info: Jovial Events / Wedding & Party Coordinators
Posted by Michelle; updated 03/20/03


Ladies, I am trying to plan a KICK-@$$ Bachlorette party for my sister, any suggestions?
Posted by Crystal; updated 11/19/03