I Really Need A CHOREOGRAPHER!!!!!!
I really need someone to show me how to dance for my waltz and my surprize dance....in my surprze dance i want 3 songs kinda like in a mix i want hip-hop, reggeaton, and a little bit of ballet kinda like the movie step up!!!! i want it to be about 5 to 6 min long... My budget on a choreographer is $300 and i only have 3 months to practice......i really need someone fast plz help me....i live in San Bernardino,CA
Posted by Marisol Gonzalez; updated 03/03/07
Wow, you want a lot in a short period of time for so little. My suggestions is to look a www.youtube.com and type: quinceanera dance. Learn out of the videos and practice with your damas/chambelanes. Good luck. You`ll save $300. - Rosa (Quinceanera Choreographer & Dance Professor) rgarcia@fullcoll.edu
Posted by Professor of Dnz; updated 03/11/07