Invitation Ediquette - Did I Mess Up?

My fience and I are paying for our wedding 100% and the invitation clearly shows that but, we wanted to list our parents on the invitation. My mother is divorced from my stepfather and he is now remarried. His new wife is very upset we did not note her on the invitation. She thinks we have "slapper her in the face" by not listing her along with my ex-stepfather. What is the proper ediquette on this one? Did we do it wrong?
Posted by Penny; updated 02/23/07


It might have been easier not to list any parents at all since 3 sets of parents are involved. It would have been nice to list his wife, but since you already printed your invitations, I would apologize to your step mother and plead ignorance.

If you have time & the money, you may want to consider redoing your invitations. The stationery company you used may give you a discount to reprint your invitations only. If not, please contact me for a discount.

Visit our page for more info: Invitations Galore

Posted by Viveca; updated 03/01/07


You did nothing wrong. I`m guessing your stepfather was involved in your upbringing and you view him as another of your parents. His current wife should have no expectation of being acknowledged as one of your parents. Good luck!
Posted by Denise; updated 04/12/07


You only get one shot at this`s only one day...everyone should be happy. List everyone or say `together with our families`. No point in offending anyone on such a special day.
Have a great wedding!

Visit our page for more info: Simply Stated Stationery

Posted by Invite Designer; updated 04/18/07