Prom Ideas

This year is the third year i am going to prom and its always perfect. Me and my freinds always meet at my house for a preprom meeting a couple of weeks before (even the guys have to come). We make lots of food and sit down as a group and look at difftent menus so we can all decide where to eat.. We talk about where we going to meet and the limo. After the guys leave we all get into our dresses and jewlery and shoes and we have a lot of hair and maekup artists come over and try diffrent looks so we can the PERFECT look. We get a professional photographer to come over and take pics of us so we arent rushed and trying to get alot of pictures made on prom . We only have to get the ones of us and our dates. After prom we usually go to a friends house for a party and bonfire for a little while and then we all come back to my house. My friend and i get diffrent margarita, martini and daquri glasses that light up our school colors and make virgin drinks and our moms make breakfast for us and our dates. The next day all the girls go to the spa and get massages and facials so we can relax. I mean you should go to the spa, the night you had before was long and tiring ;)
Posted by olivia; updated 02/19/07