Surprise Party

My son and mother recently threw me a surprise 50th birthday party. I am hurt and angry and most likely will never speak to either one of them again. They went against my will and my pleas not to do anything of this nature. My 50th birthday is today, Wednesday, February 14, Valentines Day. The party was Sunday. Since I’m angry and have “offended” them, nobody is bothering to call and wish me a happy birthday or send gifts or anything. I am the “Bad Guy” for something I had no control over because it was a sneak attack stab in the back. I am certain I am not the only one who hates surprises, and am distressed because they did this and now I am the jerk. I begged them not to do this sort of thing, stating I would walk out if they did, which I didn’t because the people who were there were innocent, but I wonder why people who claim to love and have your interests at heart do this sort of thing. I feel like the world’s worst criminal today, on my 50th birthday, over something which should not have ever taken place.
Posted by Mary; updated 02/14/07


What a baby !! R U sure your not 5 ??? The party was out of love,,,grow up !!
Posted by Kathy; updated 02/27/07


I know how you feel. My family recently threw me a surprise good-bye party. I hate surprises which they all know about, was completely underdressed in a stuffy restaurant with terrible food. I was annoyed at best and found myself angry the entire night. I disagree with the previous comment. Surprise parties are for children and ridiculous for adults.
Posted by Renee; updated 03/03/07


I totally agree, I hate surprise parties too. I hate all the sneaking around and everything.
Posted by Ashley; updated 03/25/07


Do you know how many people would love to have a party thrown in their honor?
Think for just a moment that it wasn`t entirely about you but the people who want to celebrate you and their outlet for it!
You can make amends by apologizing for your behavior and just telling your family that you overreacted; even though you think you`re right , try - this time - to be the bigger person... Life`s too short!
Posted by Kate; updated 03/30/07